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Video Widget

Video Widget The Video widget lets you add videos to your content. Learn more about Supported File Types. Properties > Widget > Main Source Under the Source Menu, you can set the widget’s source video.   Size & Position You can adjust the widget’s width, height, and position in the Size & Position menu.   […]

Text Widget

Text Widget The Text Widget allows you to enter text into your content. Properties > Widget > Main Text Type the text you want displayed into the text box.   Size & Position You can adjust the widget’s width, height, and position in the Size & Position menu.   Font From the Font Menu you […]

Shape Widget

Shape Widget The Shape Widget allows you to create several types of shapes in your content. Properties > Widget > Main Shape Select between different types of shapes: Shape Type: Click the dropdown to select the shape Line Width: Adjust the width of the outline around the shape Line Style: Click the dropdown to select […]

Scroll widget

Scroll Widget The Scroll Widget allows you to scroll various types of text. Properties > Widget > Main Text Select between three different types of text outputs: Simple Text: Manually type text into the text box Message Board: Display saved messages from the Message Board feature in the Settings Menu RSS: Display information from an […]

Image Widget

Image Widget The image widget lets you add pictures to your content. Learn more about Supported File Types. Properties > Widget > Main Image Under the Image Menu you can set the source picture of the widget. Selecting Bind to Data lets you set a datasource as the image source.   Size & Position In […]

Clock Widget

Clock Widget With the Clock widget, you can add an analog or digital clock to your content. The Clock Widget is located in the Basic section of the Widgets. Clock Properties Main Properties Menu Properties > Widget > Main Clock: You can adjust the Time Zone and Type properties from the Main Clock Properties section. […]

Content Analyzer

Content Analyzer The Content Analyzer feature gives you insight into possible issues with your Content. This feature can help you optimize your content for the best performance on your device. This feature is only available to Administrators, Owners, or Technicians and can be found by right-clicking on a Content or Loop. Filter: Filter out errors, […]

Content Templates

Content Templates Templates are pre-built Contents that can be used to to jump-start your content design. Templates can be imported/exported. How to create Templates: Click Administrator > Templates > Add New You can create, remove, and edit your templates here. They can contain widgets and can be edited in the Template Editor which is exactly […]

Content Synchronization

Content Synchronization You can turn on Synchronize Content in the Content Menu under Properties. Synchronize Content is disabled by default and allows you to synchronize your content across multiple screens. Things affected by the Synchronize Content option: Switching pages Video/Videos elements Image Gallery/Carousel elements Content/Contents widget elements Weather element Campaigns After the function is turned […]

About Content Properties

About Content Properties Content Settings The Content Properties can be found on the second tab of the Properties Sidebar.  These settings control the way the entire content set works and looks. Master Page: In the Master Page dropdown, you can select a Content or Loop to be used as a Master Page. Stretch Content: Enabled […]