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Digital Fax


See how easy it is to switch to digital faxing

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Revolutionize Your Faxing process with MCC's Digital Faxing Solutions

In the digital age, staying ahead means evolving. Traditional fax machines are out; internet faxing solutions are in. Embrace change with MCC, a premier digital fax reseller. We provide top-tier efax products, including WestFax and etherFax.

Our digital fax solutions streamline operations, slash expenses, and ensure superior fax quality. Plus, they’re secure and user-friendly. Transitioning to efax technology allows businesses to communicate faster and more efficiently. Gone are the days of waiting by the fax machine. With internet faxing, send and receive documents instantly, from anywhere.

MCC’s digital fax options represent the future of business communication. They integrate seamlessly with your existing systems, making the switch effortless. Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, our efax solutions cater to all needs.

Why stick with outdated technology when digital fax offers so much more? Reduced costs, enhanced security, and improved efficiency are just the beginning. With MCC’s efax products, you’re not just upgrading your fax system; you’re revolutionizing how your business communicates.

Screenshot of a digital fax message from westfax

Benefits of Internet Faxing

Cost Reduction

Transitioning to online fax services can significantly decrease operational costs. It reduces paper, ink, and maintenance expenses related to traditional fax machines. Moreover, it cuts costs in industries like manufacturing and construction by streamlining document transmission.

Enhanced Security

Online faxing often incorporates encryption and secure transmission methods, ensuring that sensitive documents are protected during transmission. This is particularly beneficial for sectors like accounting, where confidentiality is paramount.

Two business people looking at the westfax digital fax dashboard
Speed and Convenience

Digital faxing allows users to send and receive faxes with the same rapidity as email or other internet-based messaging services. This eliminates the waiting time associated with traditional fax machines and fax numbers.

No Hardware Required

One of the primary advantages of internet cloud faxing is the elimination of physical fax machines because you are using a cloud based fax app. This not only saves space but also reduces the investment in office equipment.


With cloud based fax, users can send and receive faxes from anywhere with an internet connection. This feature supports remote work and ensures that you’re not tied to the office fax machine. It’s compatible with various devices, including computers and smartphones, offering flexibility and mobility.

Saves Time

Digital faxing simplifies the faxing process, saving users significant time when they send and receive faxes. There's no need to manually feed pages into a fax machine or wait for confirmation. Online platforms often provide a more streamlined, efficient process with a fax app and even a mobile app.

Office worker prints paper on multifunction laser printer. Copy, print, scan, and fax machine. Image for e-faxing/digital fax pages of the document solutions section of the mcc website
Environmental Benefits

By reducing the need for paper and ink, digital faxing is a more environmentally friendly option compared to traditional faxing. It aligns with the green initiatives of many companies aiming to reduce their carbon footprint.

Integration and Scalability

Many digital fax solutions offer easy integration with existing business systems, enhancing workflow and productivity. They also scale with your business, accommodating increased fax volumes without the need for additional hardware.

HIPAA Compliant Digital Fax

Ensure the highest level of compliance with MCC’s WestFax solutions, designed to be HIPAA compliant right out of the box. Our solutions offer total interoperability with your systems, whether you’re using an EMR/EHR or a Print to Fax driver. We’re equipped to cater to all your needs and requirements.

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