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Accounts Payable Automation


Ready to streamline your AP workflows?

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Discover the Power of MCC's AP Automation Software

In today’s competitive business landscape, success hinges on efficiency and precision. It’s the perfect moment to transform your Accounts Payable approach. With MCC’s accounts payable automation software, you can revolutionize how your accounts payable department operates. This cutting-edge automation software is tailored to refine your AP process, leading to significant time savings, cost reductions, and a boost in overall productivity. Discover the benefits of AP automation and see how it can seamlessly integrate with your existing accounting systems, bringing a new level of efficiency to your financial operations.

Filebound ap automation document management software screenshot
Medius ap automation software dashboard tools


Speed & Efficiency

Our AP Automation software significantly reduces the time required to process an invoice, from an average of 16.3 days in manual processing to just 6.1 days. This automation leads to faster turnaround times, enabling your AP department to keep pace with increasing demands without the need for additional staff.

Enhanced Accuracy

Our solution leverages advanced technologies like document imaging, data capture, and workflow integration to minimize errors and eliminate the risk of lost documents. Your AP staff can bid farewell to the frustrations of manual processing and human error, leading to increased job satisfaction and productivity.

Greater Visibility & Compliance

Our software provides complete process transparency, documenting every action taken, by whom, and when. This feature not only simplifies audits but also ensures that your AP processes align with stated policies and standards, helping you maintain compliance and accountability.

Cost Savings

Automating your AP processes slashes the average cost of processing an invoice from $22.75 to a mere $3.40. This substantial cost reduction translates into significant savings in labor, late fees, and paper-related costs, allowing you to retain more of your hard-earned profits.

Improved Payment Performance

MCC's AP automation software enhances your payment performance by expediting invoice processing and eliminating backlogs. With faster processing times, your organization can avoid late payments and take advantage of prompt pay discounts, further boosting your financial health.

Opportunities for Growth

By automating low-value tasks, our software frees up your AP department to focus on strategic initiatives. Whether it's financial analysis or streamlining processes for mergers or acquisitions, your team can contribute more significantly to your company's growth and success.

Experience Rapid, Cost-Effective Digital Transformation with Square 9's Business Essentials

Learn more about how Square 9’s Business Essentials can automate your AP workflow with pre-built workflows.

Square 9 workflow automation ap automation diagram

Enhance Your AP Automation

Revolutionize how you handle invoices and payments with our cutting-edge AP automation software. Say goodbye to the endless paperwork that bogs down your team. Our solution boosts accuracy and frees your accounts payable department to focus on work that propels your business ahead. Enjoy unmatched efficiency as this software seamlessly integrates with your existing accounting systems and ERP systems. Watch as purchase orders and invoices are processed in real time, streamlining your entire AP workflow. With automation, every step from receiving an invoice to making a payment becomes faster and more reliable.

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